Saturday, December 13, 2014

Evie Update #19

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...!

Well....the last six months have been a little crazy, but I'm finally able to sit down and share with you once again. 

Shortly after our last update, Evie's team made their 5th appearance at Meagan's Walk raising over $10,000 this year for Pediatric Brain Tumour Research.  This is a very delayed THANK YOU to our ever-growing team.  We think you're all pretty great, and are very lucky to have you in our takes a village.

Over the summer Evie got to attend her first day camp with Camp Ooch. For two weeks in July she got on a bus, traveled to camp for the day and had an absolute blast. 

The end of summer and the start of the school year....Evie is now "a Junior" (her hip short form for Junior Kindergarten - ha!).  The girls started the school year at their new school (because by the way, we also had to move over the summer and bought a house!).  The school is working out really well, we have met with them about considerations Evie requires, and they have been great about helping us where ever they can.  Currently her needs are minimal, but she does have a vision itinerant teacher who works with her once a week.  After recent assessment with her Occupational Therapist at Holland Bloorview,  and similar notes from her V.I. teacher, Evie will be receiving additional therapy to work on a few "developmental building blocks" come the new year.

Evie has also now been Off Treatment for 14 months...crazy right?  Her medical routine now is as follows:
Port Flushes: every six weeks
Endocrine, Neurology and Physio appointments: every six months
Neurosurgery: annually
Occupational: was every six months, but Evie will be starting back on a weekly basis in January.
Ophthalmology, and MRIs: every three months
MRI #16 was in October.  It's taken me a while to fully understand the results and I've had many conversations and asked many questions.  What we know is that her tumour has not grown, but it has shown a change.  It's currently unknown whether the change visible in this scan is a technical flaw (entirely possible) or a sign of tumour activity (also possible).  We'll have a better idea after her next scan, which should be sometime in January. 

Evie's last Eye Exam was in early November and though the results were the same (as previous exams in the last 6 months), she complains often about her eyes hurting.  With no real explanation, it was decided to keep the eye exams every three months to make sure nothing is missed.  In the meantime we're working with her on trying to better describe exactly what it feels like. 

Over the summer Evie, as a Wish Kid, was asked to be a part of a campaign run by Sofina Foods as a new corporate supporter of Children's Wish.  We shared with them photos, drawings and Evie's story.   A few weeks ago our family was invited to their head office where we were surprised with a party in her honour.  It was so special for the girls, and humbling for us.  Evie's wish planning is underway...

And....yep, that kind of sums up Evie in the last six months!  The rest of us, we're good too.  Isabelle is doing really well at her new school, now in English and learning the clarinet - she was both "excited and nervous to be the new kid".  Paul and I are loving having a place we can call home and somehow find time on the weekends between kids activities to paint and debate (sometimes endlessly) which projects "need" to get done.  It's all coming together....and though I love (LOVE LOVE LOVE) the holidays, we can't wait for BBQ season to have a big party!

Until next time...Happy Holiday, from our family to yours :)

Paul & Kristine
Isabelle and Evie

"and though she be but little, she is fierce"

Monday, May 05, 2014

Evie Update #18

Spring has sprung.....finally....I think?! news is good news, gang!  Since my last update, Evie has had follow ups with everyone, and she is right on track.  Her most recent scan was in March (MRI #14) and it looked basically identical to the previous one....which means her tumour is stable.  So, for now, it's more of the same: daily meds at home, routine follow ups every few months, port off treatment :)

Now, just because we're not schlepping back and forth to SickKids doesn't mean we've been any less busy!  The past few months have flown by it seems!  In February we officially registered Evie for JK next fall.  In March she began one on one swimming lessons (yipee....I no longer have to get in the pool!), and gymnastics (parent and this one I do participate in).  Both activities are going well. Evie loves the pool, and she is actually getting everything out of gymnastics that I had hoped for: it is increasing her balance by challenging her on the trampoline, and it is building her coordination and strength on the bars and beam.  
April has come and gone, which means our little girl grew another year older: Evie turned 4 on the 13th.  She had (in my oppinion) an amazing birthday weekend, celebrated with an Arts and Crafts party with her friends (read: paint, markers, crayons, cake, feathers, beads, balloons, glue, glitter + 10 kids in my house...), lots of food and family.  Her big sister even chose a special birthday present for her: Evie got her own American Girl doll that looks just like her.....and let me tell you guys for those that don't know, this is a big deal....haha. It was a good weekend, I made sure to stop and take it all in...for these moments just continue to speed by. 

Meagan's Walk is this Saturday, and Evie's Team is doing a great job!  I'd again like to invite you to join us or donate - we'd be happy to have you with us! I'll be emailing some info to our team this Thursday to all those joining us, keep an eye out!

A bit of an update for MW fundraising: The charity pool tournament and raffle organized by my cousin Jenn was a huge success.  They raised over $2,400 for the team and far exceeded their own expectations!  The hall was busy, the prizes were awesome, and above all else there was an overwhelming vibe of caring, kindness and support from all those we met.  Evie, not surprisingly, made her way around the hall and spoke with just about anyone who would listen!  Evie is just old enough to now really understand things about her treatment and her diagnosis, but one thing we feel that she has always known and felt is that she does in fact have a whole village around her.  I may be jumping the gun, or being presumptuous....but mark your calendars people...this event will likely be back next year!

That's it for now....Happy Cinco de Mayo - now time for a cerveza ;)


Saturday, March 15, 2014

The night it all changed...

I have told Evie's story a lot.  Over and over again really since the day she was diagnosed.  I told it when I had to call friends and family members and explain to them what had happened.  I've told it to various doctors, nurses and medical professionals who all want to hear it from my perspective, party so that they know the "what" and the "how", but also to look for discrepancies, and clues about the "why".  I've since told it to strangers, who have become friends - the families I have met in clinic -  and as I recited it, I watched as they compared notes in their heads to their own experiences, their own story. 

Evie's story is simple really.  She was perfectly happy and healthy...until she wasn't anymore.  She was six months old when we had our first family of four trip to Whittamore's Farm.  She was six and a half months when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour at SickKids.  Just like that - it all just changed.

Those of you who were there, for the beginning and for the first two years will remember that Evie had nystagmus.  I explained it as best I could, but to say her eye was shaking...well, to understand you really had to see it.  The doctors referred to it as rotatory nystagmus: her eye shook in a circular (but not fully circular) back and forth, like the way you dial a rotary phone...just, well, faster...and non stop.  I guess it's not the easiest thing to understand. 

It was during bath time on October 28th, 2010 that we first noticed the nystagmus, though we surely did not know it by this name.  I remember clearing the table after dinner, getting the dishes ready when Paul called me to the bathroom and asked if I had noticed her eye.  As we looked down at our little girl, still cradled in the tub by a mesh bouncer, we watched as her left eye shook rapidly.  I tried to downplay it, partly because I was just too naive, too ignorant.  Probably because in that split second, the thought of something actually wrong was not even possible.  But Paul knew better.  He knew things I didn't.  Not to say that he thought the worst then and there, nor would he have known what the worst could even be, but he knew it wasn't right.  After talking about it for a few minutes, I did what any Mom would probably do.  I called my Mom.  Once she admitted that she really didn't know, and didn't really understand what I meant, I made the next New Mom move.  I calmly took advantage of the system we have set up, and called TeleHealth.  And then, while on hold with them, I sat down at my computer and googled. 

You should never do that.  Don't self diagnose.  You'll drive yourself crazy and become a total paranoid hypochondriac.  Funny thing is, what I found when I googled, was basically right.  But there I was, naive and ignorant, and dismissed my findings of neurological problems, because...well, that was way too serious of a thing to even have happen.  As if.  Once TeleHealth ruled out any immediate danger, and suggested I take her to the doctor in the morning, I felt better.  Not great, but better.  Worried.  I felt worried. 

I know we tried to go to bed normally that night, but the worry did take over, and I couldn't.  I wasn't sure what was wrong exactly, but by then I was convinced it must be something.  Evie seemed fine, she was happy, nursing well, no different really.  But her eye just hadn't stopped shaking.  And the more I watched...that pit in my stomach grew.  Now, I am awful at describing things sometimes.  I can't explain how food tastes, I just can't make the connections.  I had this feeling that it would be just my luck that I would take Evie to a doctor in the morning, and not really be able to explain what was happening, and when they looked, it wouldn't be happening anymore.  So, in fear of looking silly, I took two videos on my phone.  I made sure to capture her eyes in close up, so that there was no mistaking what we were seeing.  These videos proved to be really helpful to the medical team, who all gathered around my phone to watch - but they might not have been necessary, because the shaking was still happening when they checked her out the next day.  And it continued to happen for years. These are the two videos from that night...the night it all changed.  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Evie Update #17

Well...six months since my last update seems a little inexcusable doesn't it?  Let me take a minute and rewind...
At the time of my last email I let everyone know that Evie's most recent MRI was good news, her tumour appeared smaller, however her vision had been affected.  We were dealing with the reality of her vision loss, picking out glasses and trying to enjoy the ends of summer, all while on cycle 7 of her chemotherapy protocol.  
There are a few updates since then, and the one I would like to share first is the happiest:  on October 11th Evie finished her TPCV Chemotherapy Protocol.  This means, she finished chemo...and has been officially off treatment for three months now.  Incredible right?  I understand that many of you know this, but as I had never emailed, I really wanted to make sure this news was in the forefront.  It was a bit of a surprise to us, we had been told to expect to start another protocol, so I was definitely not prepared.  You need to understand, after going to the clinic every week for three years, it's an adjustment to just stop going....but a pretty great one!  
The end of chemo means that we now only go to clinic every 6 weeks for a port flush (as she still has the port in her chest, and it needs to remain clean and infection free).  Around those 6 week appointments, we still have follow ups with all other clinics, and she still remains on all medications that have been prescribed.  In November we saw Neuro Surgery, and they are happy with her progress.  In December we saw Endocrinology and they said Evie is growing wonderfully and have no concerns currently - she is still taking a thyroid medicine every morning.  We only see the stroke clinic once a year, but for them she is on aspirin daily.  She had an MRI on December 20th and her tumour is stable - as the first one since the end of treatment, this is great news!

With her recent vision loss, we have seen Ophthalmology a few times since the summer in an effort to stay on top of her vision changes.  Evie picked out two pairs of glasses in August, and though it took me a bit of time to cope with it, she actually loves wearing them....not surprising, the girl loves to accessorize.  Also not surprising, she prefers the more expensive pair (Ralph Lauren - ha!).  Our most recent eye appointment was this past Friday.  It was a three week follow up to an appointment she had just before Christmas.  These two appointments revealed and confirmed a bit of bad news.  On top of having no vision in her right eye (what we found out in the summer), there has been a decrease in vision in her left eye.  We were given a prescription, and Evie's (once protective only) glasses are now corrective.  She actually smiled very big when she put them on yesterday with her new lenses, which is great, but this has been another big pill to swallow.  Evie is still taking a medicine that aims to protect her optic nerves ("it tastes horrible") so hopefully it's doing something.  Outside of SickKids, we are still working with the CNIB, and the Low vision program, and we are expecting much assistance in the next few months as we register Evie for Kindergarten!
Evie's PT and OT are also going really well.  She has been cleared to visits just once every two months.  I have found support from her PT, more than I ever expected.  She is a great insider to Evie's health care, but outsider to her SickKids team.  She is great to talk to (even if only for an hour every two months), and is always happy to see Evie.  We have seen Evie's improvements ourselves too.  She is now running, and jumping - though anything but graceful.  She can swing on the monkey bars, and last week surprised me a lot by her active participation at a Circus School birthday party.  
The past few months have also been full of things other than appointments - believe it or not!  We have been connected with so many wonderful organizations.  Our family was invited to Great Wolf Lodge for a holiday party, we got to stay overnight and enjoy the madness of that place....we all had a great time! Evie is almost old enough to participate in Camp Ooch events too, and this morning I filled out paperwork from the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada - Evie get's a wish! 

I want to say thank you to all of you.  It's very humbling to write these emails and realize that at update 17, and over three years, we have all of you around us.  Our  community is constantly expanding, from family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, other cancer families, medical health professionals...and friends I had long lost any contact with.  Please know that it the darkest of times, when the tears flow, and things seem horribly wrong - it is this community, that keeps us strong....well, that adorable squinty smile helps too.  We are terribly grateful for both.  
One last note....Evie's Team is up and now you know the deal, so if you want to come join us or donate, just click the words!
Paul & Kristine
Isabelle, Evie
"and though she be but little, she is fierce"