Monday, May 05, 2014

Evie Update #18

Spring has sprung.....finally....I think?! news is good news, gang!  Since my last update, Evie has had follow ups with everyone, and she is right on track.  Her most recent scan was in March (MRI #14) and it looked basically identical to the previous one....which means her tumour is stable.  So, for now, it's more of the same: daily meds at home, routine follow ups every few months, port off treatment :)

Now, just because we're not schlepping back and forth to SickKids doesn't mean we've been any less busy!  The past few months have flown by it seems!  In February we officially registered Evie for JK next fall.  In March she began one on one swimming lessons (yipee....I no longer have to get in the pool!), and gymnastics (parent and this one I do participate in).  Both activities are going well. Evie loves the pool, and she is actually getting everything out of gymnastics that I had hoped for: it is increasing her balance by challenging her on the trampoline, and it is building her coordination and strength on the bars and beam.  
April has come and gone, which means our little girl grew another year older: Evie turned 4 on the 13th.  She had (in my oppinion) an amazing birthday weekend, celebrated with an Arts and Crafts party with her friends (read: paint, markers, crayons, cake, feathers, beads, balloons, glue, glitter + 10 kids in my house...), lots of food and family.  Her big sister even chose a special birthday present for her: Evie got her own American Girl doll that looks just like her.....and let me tell you guys for those that don't know, this is a big deal....haha. It was a good weekend, I made sure to stop and take it all in...for these moments just continue to speed by. 

Meagan's Walk is this Saturday, and Evie's Team is doing a great job!  I'd again like to invite you to join us or donate - we'd be happy to have you with us! I'll be emailing some info to our team this Thursday to all those joining us, keep an eye out!

A bit of an update for MW fundraising: The charity pool tournament and raffle organized by my cousin Jenn was a huge success.  They raised over $2,400 for the team and far exceeded their own expectations!  The hall was busy, the prizes were awesome, and above all else there was an overwhelming vibe of caring, kindness and support from all those we met.  Evie, not surprisingly, made her way around the hall and spoke with just about anyone who would listen!  Evie is just old enough to now really understand things about her treatment and her diagnosis, but one thing we feel that she has always known and felt is that she does in fact have a whole village around her.  I may be jumping the gun, or being presumptuous....but mark your calendars people...this event will likely be back next year!

That's it for now....Happy Cinco de Mayo - now time for a cerveza ;)


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