It's one year to the day that I went into labour. I am so nostalgic.
It's to the point where I have pulled out my labour records (thanks
Midwives!), and have started to re-read my entire labour. I have
already annoyed Paul with the, "Do you know what happened at this time
last year?!" He could care less that I had a contraction that wouldn't
resurface for another 20 minutes. But I do. And let's be honest. I
hardly need the records. That evening, in it's entirety, and the
morning hours that followed are forever ingrained in my mind. I cannot
forget what has become my biggest accomplishment to date.
I always used to think it was odd that my mother knew exactly what time
we were all born. I mean, weight was one thing, but the time?
Seriously? I am now stupidly almost counting down the minutes.
11:23am on (what was a) Tuesday morning in April. And I can not only
remember the time, but so many other little details. I remember how
nice and sunny it was on my last full day of pregnancy. I remember
staying at school with Isabelle until 5pm, crouching akwardly on a rock
as she played. I remember making Spaghetti for dinner. I remember
feeling strange, and not quite clueing into labour. I remember how
excited Paul looked. I remember trying to go to sleep and realizing it
wasnt gonna happen. I remember staying awake all night waiting for a
real sign of progressing labour (though I didnt get one until 6am). I
remember watching Paul sleep as I picked up his slack and timed
contractions, lol. Much later I remember the midwives springing into
action (as Evie's cord was snugly wrapped around her tiny neck), I
remember where I was (gently positioned upright on the edge of my bed), I
remember the colour of the little hat placed on her head (pink!), and I
remember seeing arms and legs....long little arms and legs. I remember
her birth so well, and oddly enough, the rest of the day is somewhat of
a blur. It actually felt very long. Full of visitors.
A year has passed and so much as happened. Babies grow so much in a
year, its really incredible. As adults much of our changing has
somewhat stopped, or at least slowed down. It is a much more gradual
process, so much so it is almost unnoticed. But babies....they evolve
so much. In a matter of months they go from cute little newborns
basically just sleeping and eating, to babies who can watch and learn,
to toddlers who have learned to ask, demand, anticipate and expect.
Part of me is thankful Evie has not been an early learner....she doesnt
really have any words, and still insists on scootching around on her
bum. I've been blessed with my baby for a full 12 months - no time cut
short! Perhaps that sounds bad as a parent....discouraging perhaps? I
dont mean it that way at all. I'm sure all parents can relate to the
feeling of never wanting their little ones to grow up. Babies are only
babies for so long....I'm thankful for all of my days of scootching,
baby babble, cuddling, and even nursing. I fear that these days are
numbered.....I'll hold on as long as I can.
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