Friday, April 22, 2016

Evie Update #23

Happy Friday!
Life has been so busy around here, and even though our weekends tend to be just as busy as the weekdays (if not busier...), I am very happy today is Friday!
Evie is doing well, and has been continuing with the trial drug.   It's been almost a year now and is very much part of her morning routine.  Her MRI on April 10th has showed that her tumour is looking stable, and her team is pleased with the results and so she'll continue on this path.  She is still presenting several side effects that we're not super happy about, but I guess this is a case of the lesser of a few evils....a few side effects vs. tumour stability - it's a no brainer for the team...and Paul and I will just continue working on keeping side effects under control.  Evie's vision is stable, and she has just picked out three new pairs of frames - lucky girl.  Evie also continues to take her other meds daily, no end in sight there either.

Though there are a lot of tests to be done when you're a part of a trial, our days at the hospital are minimal - at this stage we check in once a month and they are pretty good about getting all the testing done on that one day.  Every three or four months she also has appointments with her other clinics, but overall we're at the hospital a lot less then we used to be. We have come to like it there...but it's great to not have to be there :)
Finally, we are just two weeks away from our annual event: Meagan's Walk.  On Saturday May 7th Meagan's Walk will celebrate it's 15th year.  Our family has been asked to be even more involved this year:  We attended their kick off ceremony, Evie and I speaking to the crowd, Evie will be featured in some promotional stuff leading up to the walk and en route, and she has been asked to be on stage at SickKids at the end of the walk - hopefully our team makes it in time!  This is a really great family day, where we are not only raising money and awareness for pediatric brain tumour research but also where we are coming together at SickKids and surrounding all the patients inside and reminding them that we care.  This is a place that has literally saved Evie, time and time again. If you ever wonder about fundraising for any cause, think about this:
Evie is currently on a drug trial. 
This drug trial is keeping her tumour stable right now. 
This drug trial is research.
Evie is one kid directly benefiting from research being done into pediatric brain tumours. 
Evie is one kid, and there are so many, many more. 
So find your shirts, pick up something purple, stock up on the doughnuts at the starting line, and walk with us:
JOIN Evie's Team here!
(you need to click the button on the right that says "JOIN" and then create or enter your username/password info from years past)
If you'd like to donate to our team, here is the link. 
DONATE to Evie's Team here!
If running is more your thing, there is a team in her honour at the Sporting Life 10K on Mothers Day: join the team #runwithrockstar when you're filling out the online registration.  Registration closes on Sunday April 24th - that's in two days!

One last thing to share before I go...
Fiona Faith Laplante was born on Tuesday March 15th at 1:45am.  At 6lbs 12 oucnes and 19 inches long, she is a lovely little thing that has immediately found her place here.  She'll be the youngest member of the team this year! 
Paul and Kristine
Isabelle, Evelyn and Fiona
"and though she be but little, she is fierce"